Friday, March 6, 2009

The Count

Well, we made it to Friday, THE day I find out how many Little Hunters I will have. This is me with one of my Staff, (the crew got demoted, details later) anyways, here we are at the entrance to the clinic, this is not the clinic that the nice lady named Mary lives, but it's were the nice man named Dr Pierce lives. Actually, I really don't like him much, even though he takes very good care of me, he just SCARES ME! I always shake when I see him, today I thought I was going to shake those babies right out of me today, Shaken Not Stirred babies! ;o)- OK, I am digressing...back to why I am here, oh yah...I came here for an X-Ray! We went in, oh course I started shaking right away, we met with another nice lady named Sara and she made me feel better. First they weighed me...OMG!!!! I am a Whale! I have gained 16 *#@! Pounds! Oh, will I ever get my girlish figure back?

Then they took me into another room, thank goodness my staff was with...Oh and Brandon came with too, I am sure for moral support. I can use all the support I can get these days. They slapped me on a table and took a bunch of pictures. Then they went to a computer and they looked and they looked and they looked at those darn pictures and all they could come up with was 8...staff says 9. They must be wrong!!! I know darn toot'n there is at least a bakers dozen in there! Well I guess we will just have to wait to see who's right.

Since Brandon was there, they looked into his eye again and what ever they saw, they did not like, they put more green stuff in his eye. He's going to look like an Alien soon. Anyways, he came home with a different costume, I guess he didn't like his donut.

Brandon's two costumes, see me checking them out, I kind of like the new one. Now I can call him...
Well, better get to bed. I don't have the energy I had a week ago. Even my appetite is not very good, and that is not at all like me, only ate half my dinner tonight, and staff had to put some yogurt on it. Maybe I will eat the rest for a midnight snack.
Good Night...
Rio, The Black Lab

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