Today not allot has happened with me, I got to take several naps and have had all of my meals, thank goodness cause those "Little Hunters" are sure hungry. Hopefully I will have a little bedtime snack, cause they are starting to get a little rambunctious if they aren't fed. Feisty little things they are. I really really do think there are 20 of them and they all must weigh 10 lbs. each. I am starting to slow down, but not much. The staff tried to shut me into my new digs (which is still lovely), but as soon as I hear food rattling, UP I go...over the fence, over the couch... HA, HA, YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!! HA! HA! I AM SUPER DOG, I CAN FLY, LEAP TALL COUCHES, I AM... .opps...staff is here, shhhh, better talk about something else....
OK....Both of my staff were home today, they took Merlot to the clinic to see that nice lady named Mary and the nice man named Dr. Jim. I heard one staff say that "The shipment is in Mpls" Whoopee, Big Deal! I still don't know what "The shipment" is ??? Maybe I should teach Merlot how to blog, so she can tell everyone what "The shipment" was! All she can tell me is, It's a present from a handsome young golden blonde, dreaming looking guy. OK, now I am really curious!!
Merlot sure is sleeping allot today, I don't think she is feeling well, but the staff assures me she will be just fine in a few days. OK, I guess I have to believe them.
Now Brandon, my oldest Golden brother, he some how scratched his eye...silly boy. I guess boys will be boys. The staff had to haul him into the clinic. Man, It seems like everyone has been at the clinic today. I guess this was a different clinic, cause that nice lady named Mary was not there. But there were other nice people that took very good care of Brandon, but they put this green stuff in his eye...eeek, I don't think I would like green stuff in my eye. And he has other stuff too that the staff has to put in his eye. I HATE EYE STUFF...icky. Not sure if he is better or not. He is wearing a very funny costume, and it looks like a donut and he is wearing it around his neck....very strange. BRANDON, YOU ARE STRANGE LOOKING, WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS, HALLOWEEN? I think I better get my camera (pictures tomorrow)
Better go check on that snack,
Rio, The Black Lab
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