Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Funny Story

It's Tuesday and I have some energy today. My appetite is so, so. Ate a pretty good breakfast of some Dog food and a scrambled egg. (I told you I was going to milk this) I couldn't eat everything so I let Brandon finish it up (but I ate all of the egg). Brandon is my best friend now.

Staff#1 took my temp AGAIN this noon and looks like my temp is starting to go down slowly, it was 98.9. But then like the good Lab I am, it's just a test to see if the Staff is paying attention. I will probably go back up again tonight, just to drive them crazy.

That reminds me of a very funny story...

Cheers sent me a text the other day about a very, very funny story of something that happened at Team Cheers one day. One of her Staff was in charge of taking her temp and being new to the job this Staff person did not have a clue on how to use a digital Thermometer. This certain Staff person TOOK her temp with the cap on! The Staff thought her Temp had really bottomed out! Can You Believe it?!!!! Ha, Ha...I thought that was the funniest thing I had every heard!! I ALMOST SPIT MY LITTLE HUNTERS RIGHT OUT... I tell you, good help is hard to find!

Well, I better go take a cat nap...oh I mean a puppy nap!

Signing off for now,
Rio, The Black Lab

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